Cuties review: I have questions.

Cuties, or Mignonnes in its original French, has been all over my news feed since it was released on Netflix on September 9. I’m sure I don’t have to describe to you the rage I saw on social media, usually attached to a YouTube clip from the movie. I will admit that I didn’t watch […]

Ode to an Old House

I walked in and fell in love. I saw you for all your potential; your light, your charm, your openness. I knew that, in you, I could breathe. You weren’t without your flaws. Cracks and broken things could be found without looking hard, but it’s only to be expected when you’ve seen so much life.

I Boycotted Church Over Communion

I sat in the pew, and for the first time in my 25 years of attendance, I was angry at my church. I was angry at the pastors. I was angry because, as a woman with a disability, change sometimes makes my life very difficult, and this was a hard change indeed.