Some dear friends from my church are going through quite the storm right now, as their little one arrived a month early and with life-threatening medical conditions. Lennon Joel Myers is critical, but stable. His name and precious little face have been on my heart for months. They knew fairly early in the pregnancy that he would be fighting for his life, and they knew it well, as they’ve previously lost a child to this same condition: renal agenesis (his kidneys failed to develop). He also has a hole in each lung, and both are collapsed. I see pictures on Facebook of this beautiful child, loved beyond words by so many.
Every time they come to mind, so selfishly I ask God to spare my family such difficulty. I feel shamefully blessed as I look at my perfectly healthy children and think, Thank God that’s not us. I hate to admit that, but there it is.

But God doesn’t love me or my kids any more than He does the Myers. I am not “blessed” to have been thus far spared life-threatening illness. That would imply that God has lifted His “blessing” off of Lennon to make way for sickness. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Renal agenesis is not from God. It is not a blessing. He hates it, I’m sure, with more passion than we humans can fathom. But I know that Lennon and his family are blessed because He is more tangibly with them in that hospital room than here in my comfy office, I am sure of it.
Choose love.
If you are one to pray, will you pray with us for a miracle for Lennon? That the doctors will be granted supernatural wisdom? That the baby and family will be wrapped in peace that defies explanation? Like, right now. Stop reading and pray now.
Not later. Now.
[Tweet “We serve a God who isn’t absent from our suffering. We serve a God who has, in fact, lost a son.”]
And now that you’re done, head over to their GoFundMe or to Go Shout Love and buy something; all the proceeds will go directly to help ease the burden of medical bills for the family. And the Love for Lennon Facebook page is updating us on all the news and photos of precious Lennon.
Make room in your heart to care deeply. To weep with those who weep. To rejoice with those who rejoice. Make today about more than you… help as you can and spread the word.
Sarah Kovac
I’ll post updates on Lennon here in the comments as I have them.
Sarah Kovac
I am heartbroken to share this update from Lennon’s daddy:
“Dear friends,
On August 21, 2014 at 5:48 pm. Lennon Joel Myers was absent from his beautiful little body and present with The Lord. He died the most peaceful way any human could ever pass surrounded by his brothers Corey, Dawson, his sister Lexi and laying on his beautiful Mommy’s chest. He lived for over 2 hours without any machines. The Drs. And nurses were all astounded of how long he lasted without machines and said they really felt that he was comfortable being with his family surrounded by love. They said it was the most awing death experience they had witnessed and would never forget us. Lennon left us with love and smiles.
Personally I want to say I am so proud of my family and their love holding up Lennon. I really am the luckiest guy on earth to have them!! I love you family!!”