Mothering a Girl: Why I’m Terrified

We are having a baby girl. Though I’d always imagined myself having a houseful of boys, I knew God wouldn’t let me off that easy.

I don’t say that because I think daughters are more difficult or less desirable. I’m one myself, and I’m awesome! ;) No, I have been nervous about mothering a girl because I’m not sure I know how.

I’ve never been good about relating to girls. I much preferred fishing and watching football and talking cars. I’m guessing this is partly because I really struggled doing girly things… All the girls wore skirts for school chapel, but I couldn’t. I write and eat with my feet up on the table, you see. Not the best time to wear a skirt.

I couldn’t play volleyball with them and I couldn’t curl my hair. I decided I never wanted to do those things anyway. Mothering Girls: Why I'm Terrified | sarahkovac.comMuch easier to

turn my nose up and pretend I didn’t want these things that were so out of my reach. Much easier than the grieving I’ve been working through as an adult.
So, girls have never been my forte. I wonder how well I’ll be able to do her hair or help her with her tights and buckle shoes. I wonder if I can grow enough to keep myself from passing on my disdain for all things feminine. I want her to be happy with who she is and what God’s given her.

So I’m happy with what He’s given me. A girl. A girl who will give me the opportunity to grow. A girl who I can take for pedicures and shopping for Easter dresses, and hey, if she can enjoy(endure?) the Chiefs game with me on Sundays, we’ll have it made.


This post was a Saturday Sprint.

Saturday Sprint |

2 thoughts on “Mothering a Girl: Why I’m Terrified”

  • Sarah, I don’t know you well (you know, since we’ve never met except on Facebook), but from what I have seen, I have no doubts that you will be an amazing mom to a girl. I have two. Some people think I’m kind of a girly girl because I like makeup and jewelry – but I’m not. I never knew how to do my girls’ hair, and they grew up looking pretty scraggly until they could do their own. I could buy dresses, but I also bought a lot of jeans and t-shirts and leggings. I hate things that are ultra-feminine, yet I managed to live through not one but two pageants when my middle child decided she wanted to be in a queen pageant for our local festival. Her dad actually took her to the sign-up meetings because I couldn’t bear to do it.

    My point is, there are no rules. Girls don’t have to like pink. Girls can love sports and despise dolls. The best thing you can do for any girl is to help her learn to be herself, to find the things that excite her and interest her, to help her nurture the God-given traits and talents she has. Maybe she’ll like parading on stage in a sparkling dress, like my Anna. Or maybe she’ll post outspoken, controversial statements on FB like my older one Katie (wearing sweats and no makeup, sitting on the couch). Your child will not be lacking if she doesn’t get fancy braids tied with pink bows, I promise.

    You’ll be great.

    P.S. I was terrified when I found out my third child would be a boy. I don’t like sports. I hate going outside where there are bugs and dirt and allergies. But you know what? He still does all those things, and I didn’t have to teach them. It’s just in there naturally. (And sorry for such a long comment!)

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