When You Can’t Find the Silver Lining

“I wonder if you, yourself, always feel as neatly tied up about these matters as you seem to in these passages,” she said. …And then I had to re-think every chapter. I’ve written extensively about my life, and what sense I can make of it. I’ve tried to find the meaning behind the pain, the […]

Parental Pain Projection

I took my son to a public play area that morning, thinking he could use some social activities. Not long into the outing, I realized that Ethan wanted to play with the other kids, but they were playing “keep away from the little guy.” My little sweet pea was chasing the others all over the […]

The Best Ways to be Afraid?

I was feeling a little anxious. I opened up my eyes to a new day, and there they were, buzzing around my head like mosquitoes on a Summer night. The anxious thoughts would land, I would shoo them away and try to distract myself, only to realize they’d slipped back in through a completely different […]

Plant Seeds, Prevent Cancer

I was reading a most excellent post this morning by Ann Voskamp on forgiving your parents, when my toddler son, Ethan, walked up with puckered lips, wanting a kiss. The stark contrast between what I was reading in the blog and experiencing in the moment made me think about the fact that, someday, Ethan will […]

When Life Gets Hard

And then, as my tears started to subside, I got puked on.I won’t give you all the messy details of the previous hours… just know this was a fitting end to the day. This also seems to fit pretty well with the days that came before it, which were in keeping with the weeks before […]